
The following prices (plus VAT) and conditions apply to the dispatch of assembly and service personnel for commissioning, inspection and repair work.

Charging rates for working time, travel time and waiting time

  • Service Technician 77,00 €/h
  • Assembly helper 52,00 €/h
  • Programmer 97,00 €/h


  • Night work (22-6 Uhr) 50%
  • Saturday 50%
  • Sunday and holiday 100%

Trip and overnight stay

  • Daily rate domestic 42,00 € for each started day
  • Daily rate abroad 72,00 € for each started day
  • Overnight stay according to hotel voucher or flat rate 90,00 €

Travel expenses

  • Travel by car is charged with 0,55 €/km (plus travel time)
  • For air travel, air ticket, cab, etc. will be charged at cost (plus travel time).

Provision client

The client shall be responsible for making electrical and other connections, providing cable routes and making available the necessary stages and platforms (unless otherwise agreed). On request, auxiliary personnel, means of transport, lighting, heating, etc. will be made available to our employees. If necessary, ladders and platforms and any necessary safety equipment will be provided. It is at the discretion of our employees to refuse dangerous work.

Certificate of employment

The working travel time and, if applicable, waiting time (for which the Contractor is not responsible) shall be certified on a time sheet and shall form the basis for invoicing. Any comments or objections are to be noted in writing on this by the client.


After completion of the work, the acceptance or takeover of the machine must be certified in writing on the time sheet. If this is not done, the reasons must be stated in writing.


Email: service(at)